Partner Testimonial
Social emotional learning is something that we utilize to help our students manage their emotions, problem solve and create positive relationships. Our teachers were supporting our students’ emotional well-being, but who was supporting our teachers’? Thanks to Real Wellness we now have an answer. The Real Wellness team has taught our teachers social emotional strategies to recognize their emotions and methods on what they can do to be the best person and teacher they can be.
LaToya and her team have grown to be a part of our school community and provide a safe space for teachers and leaders to see who we really are and what we need to work on. Teachers have built stronger, positive relationships with students, families and their colleagues. The coaching sessions provided allow teachers to self-reflect on a personal and professional level. Self-awareness is the major tool that is helping to improve the culture and relationships in our school community. We have partnered with Real Wellness for three years and look forward to continuing this “REAL” work.
Afua Hill
Principal at PS/MS 147Q
The Ronald McNair School
Nyc Public school Partners